I Believe…
I believe in the future of theatre. I believe that as performance artist we have an obligation to be changemakers in our society. I believe that through promoting the individuality of humans, we inevitably create a space and opportunity for unity. I believe that art gives us the power to create spaces that allow for the boldness of everybody. After a pandemic that has forced people to reflect upon the ways society has failed many diverse communities, it is important that we allow art to breathe truth, and give breath back to communities that have been suffocating for far too long.
The Future is Inclusive.
No story should be left unheard. No person should be left unseen.
Every child should be able to see themselves represented in the art we create
Growing up Shonda Rhimes' Scandal, was the first piece of art that showed me black women are powerful and beautiful.

Every mother should be able to see stories of her children in more than handcuffs.
Brandy in Cinderella showed me that black girls can be princesses. Akeelah and the Bee showed me that black girls are spelling Bee champions. Black Panther showed me that Black men are superheroes

Every person should be able to not only hope, but know that their story is seen, heard, and valued.
Celine Sciamma's Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Tarell Alvin McCraney's Brother Size, Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings", Matthew Lopez's The Inheritance, and Anais Mitchell's Hadestown, helped me to see the magic that lives within everyone's unique experiences.